How to Use TP Commands


  • Press the TAB key on your keyboard.

  • Paste a setplayerpos command from the list below into the console and press the ENTER key on your keyboard.

Search Coords


  • At the same time, press LB, RB, X and Y on the controller.

  • Enter a setplayerpos command from the list below into the console and then hit the ADMIN COMMAND button.

Search Coords

Play Station

  • At the same time, press L1, R1, SQUARE and TRIANGLE on the controller.

  • Enter a setplayerpos command from the list below into the command field and then hit the ADMIN COMMAND button.

Search Coords

Ark Journal Location Coordinates List

Type location name or explorer's name into the search bar to search 26 coordinates.

On PC, these teleport commands can only be executed by players who have first authenticated themselves with the enablecheats command. For more help using commands, see the "How to Use Ark Commands" box.

Use the copy buttons to copy the setplayerpos command or GPS coordinates for a specific location to your clipboard.

Type Explorer Name GPS Latitude GPS Longitude Teleport Command
Journal Boris Journal 1 44.1 25.3 cheat setplayerpos -197676 -47121 49558
Journal Boris Journal 2 55.7 52.4 cheat setplayerpos 19200 45600 28584
Journal Boris Journal 3 63.8 48.9 cheat setplayerpos -8372 110092 -13432
Journal Boris Journal 4 55.7 51.4 cheat setplayerpos 11541 45078 -109097
Journal Boris Journal 5 52.7 40.5 cheat setplayerpos -75591 21559 -101929
Journal Emilia Journal 1 46.2 35.3 cheat setplayerpos -117568 -30788 38299
Journal Emilia Journal 2 39.1 37.4 cheat setplayerpos -101133 -86733 52583
Journal Emilia Journal 3 56.2 38.4 cheat setplayerpos -92713 49551 7243
Journal Emilia Journal 4 48.7 63.7 cheat setplayerpos 109966 -10380 27299
Journal Emilia Journal 5 24.3 65.5 cheat setplayerpos 124224 -205244 57485
Journal Imamu Journal 1 75.3 73.5 cheat setplayerpos 188000 202400 7868
Journal Imamu Journal 2 68.8 72.6 cheat setplayerpos 180590 150049 7907
Journal Imamu Journal 3 72.7 62.9 cheat setplayerpos 103200 181600 3215
Journal Imamu Journal 4 71.9 55.2 cheat setplayerpos 41600 175200 201
Journal Imamu Journal 5 46.5 48.7 cheat setplayerpos -10272 -28367 -107858
Journal Rusty Journal 1 38.5 51.6 cheat setplayerpos 12333 -92499 37029
Journal Rusty Journal 2 34.1 50.5 cheat setplayerpos 4000 -127200 40819
Journal Rusty Journal 3 31.0 47.9 cheat setplayerpos -17069 -152084 49549
Journal Rusty Journal 4 37.0 41.2 cheat setplayerpos -70400 -104000 38872
Journal Rusty Journal 5 45.5 38.1 cheat setplayerpos -95200 -36000 33927
Journal Skye Journal 1 45.4 40.5 cheat setplayerpos -75903 -36136 9276
Journal Trent Journal 1 58.5 43.8 cheat setplayerpos -49862 68160 -3943
Journal Trent Journal 2 70.9 49.1 cheat setplayerpos -7100 167829 -9600
Journal Trent Journal 3 69.7 55.6 cheat setplayerpos 45151 157720 -2973
Journal Trent Journal 4 71.8 61.6 cheat setplayerpos 93004 174582 -683
Journal Trent Journal 5 77.1 68.2 cheat setplayerpos 145123 216826 17628